Impact Banking
Impact banking is a powerful way to amplify your work as a nonprofit. — Orv Kimbrough
For the many who know me, you know that I often refer to myself the Accidental Banker. Why?
Because there is little about my personal background or the first two decades of my professional career that would have forecast my current role as Chairman and CEO of Midwest BankCentre.
For nearly 20 years I worked in the nonprofit sector to help stabilize people’s lives and get them on the path to social mobility by promoting assets like education, training, life skills and competencies. I consider these human and social capital.”
What I have lived and learned is that for all people to live a self- determined life they need access to financial capital as well.
Nonprofits along with government and business share equal parts in shaping our democracy. As a part of this three-legged stool, nonprofits comprise a powerful “voting class”. They can have influence far beyond just their charitable intent.
Impact banking is a powerful way to amplify your work as a nonprofit. The intent is to generate positive, measurable social impact while preserving deposits. Impact Banking can address persistent challenges, like access to affordable housing, small business and small dollar consumer loans.
A values-based bank like Midwest BankCentre puts your money to work for good where it’s needed most. Ninety-five out of every $100 on deposits stays in the St. Louis region and creates a virtuous cycle supporting local people and business by issuing credit and making small business and small dollar consumer loans.
Amplify your impact by choosing where you bank.
Read more here.