When you don’t have the strength

Two Hands almost touching a cross

I don’t know about you, but I have those days that significantly challenge my faith and resolve. Yesterday, we had a school shooting in the St. Louis region and yet another shooting in our country. I had someone tell me that she felt helpless to these violent acts and the political discourse that follows. Discourse that has up to this point driven the people of our land  into their respective camps. Each camp, I would submit feeling as helpless as the other. There is so much beauty in our world and yet we must daily contend with the ugliness that sometimes invades the hearts of men. On days like this when I am feeling broken and defeated, I retreat into the word of God,  ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you”. I pray God’s help for each family impacted. I pray for our region and for our country, may we unite around our common humanity and be compassionate in our response.


Shared engagement: This is profitable to us all.


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