Banking Basics for Non-Bankers: Why Your Deposits Matter

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Am I the only one who finds this odd—or at least, did at first? When I joined the board of the bank nearly a decade ago, I was stunned to learn that a deposit is considered a liability. Coming from a traditional business background, where liabilities are debts or obligations, this felt downright counterintuitive. How could cash sitting safely in a bank account be a liability?

At first, I tried to fit this into my existing framework. A loan felt like the natural liability—it’s something owed, after all. Deposits, on the other hand, seemed like an asset. Isn’t the bank holding the money? But in banking, the roles are reversed.

Here’s why: when you deposit money, you’re essentially lending it to the bank. The bank owes you that money back whenever you need it, plus interest if applicable. That’s why deposits are liabilities—they represent the bank’s obligation to you. Loans, on the other hand, are assets because the bank expects to collect interest and principal from borrowers. They’re a source of future income.

This role reversal—deposits as liabilities, loans as assets—is fundamental to banking. Once I reframed my thinking, I began to see the bigger picture.

Why This Matters to Main Street
For people and businesses on Main Street, understanding how banks function is essential. Deposited money isn’t just sitting idle—it’s put to work through loans, mortgages, and investments that create jobs, public infrastructure, and opportunities.

Deposits are the foundation for small business loans, mortgages, and lines of credit. They make banking a cornerstone of economic growth. When people understand this system, it leads to smarter decisions, stronger partnerships, and greater financial security.

But understanding the roles of deposits and loans is just the start—let’s explore how these dynamics fuel economic growth.

How Banks Drive Growth
Here’s how I think about it: banks act as middlemen. They borrow money from depositors and lend it to businesses, families, and communities. By charging more for loans than they pay in deposit interest, banks fuel a cycle of growth.

This system enables businesses to expand, families to buy homes, and communities to thrive. Depositors, borrowers, and banks are all interconnected in the broader economy.

This understanding deepened my respect for banking—not just for its role in corporate growth but for how it supports Main Street. At its core, banking is about trust, relationships, and creating value that uplifts entire communities.

Why It’s Worth Asking Questions
If you’re not a banker, how does this idea strike you? Does it feel as counterintuitive to you as it did to me? Has it changed how you think about your relationship with your bank—or how your money is used?

Do you know if your deposits are being deployed locally to fuel economic growth—or are they being used elsewhere? And does that matter to you? These questions aren’t just about curiosity—they’re about understanding the power of your deposits and how they shape your community’s future.

When progress stalls in your community, it’s worth asking: are the places you entrust with your money investing in the people and businesses around you?

The Bigger Picture
Banks don’t operate in isolation. They are deeply tied to the success of the people they serve. That’s why understanding how banks function matters—because where you place your money can directly impact the growth and vitality of your city, region, and state.

Think about it this way: deposits may be liabilities for banks, but they’re assets for your community. Did you catch that? When your money is put to work locally—funding small businesses, building homes, and creating jobs—it transforms into opportunities that fuel growth and shared prosperity.

In the end, we’re all connected. The choices we make as depositors shape the local economy in ways we might not even realize. So, take a moment to consider: is your bank investing in your community? If not, what steps can you take to align your financial choices with the growth and vitality of your region and neighborhood?

#BankingBasics #MainStreetMatters #FinancialEducation #EconomicGrowth #MoneyMoves

About Me:

Hi, I’m Orvin Kimbrough—volunteer, board director, and chairman & CEO of Midwest BankCentre. I help professionals scale confidence, leadership, and influence by driving mindset shifts, expanding networks, sharing knowledge, and encouraging bold action.

I share insights on leadership, resilience, and personal growth—rooted in my journey from foster care to CEO. 📖 Twice Over a Man, my recently released book, has been described as inspiring, honest, and transformative. Readers call it a leadership manual wrapped in a powerful, relatable memoir of perseverance and faith.

For more Reflections (and broader lessons learned), visit


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