On the blog
The Misunderstood Lifeline: Why Banks Borrow and Why It Matters to Main Street
When I stepped into banking, I wasn’t a traditional insider. I was a nonnative to the industry—someone who built a career in community leadership, not financial services. That meant I asked questions that seasoned bankers often took for granted. One of those questions led me to a realization: even within the banking world, the tools we use to manage liquidity, like the discount window, are often misunderstood. And maybe that misunderstanding persists because we, as an industry, haven’t done enough to foster real understanding. What if we changed that? What if we started educating before the next crisis, instead of reacting when one hits? Now is the time.
From Main Street to Wall Street: The Hidden Impact of Management Discretion
Did you know unchecked management decisions were a big part of the 2008 financial crisis? Families lost nearly $20 trillion in wealth while powerful institutions got bailed out. It’s a reminder that good governance matters—not just for Wall Street, but for all of us on Main Street. Let’s talk about why oversight, ethical choices, and smart leadership make all the difference.
Banking Basics for Non-Bankers: Why Your Deposits Matter
Did you know that every time you deposit money in the bank, you're essentially lending it to them? Your deposits fuel loans, mortgages, and investments that power the economy—right in your community or beyond. Understanding how your money moves isn’t just for bankers; it’s a lesson in how your financial choices shape Main Street’s future.
What For-Profit Leaders Can Learn from Nonprofits
Leadership is leadership. The fundamentals don’t shift just because the metrics do. But here’s the thing—priorities, pressures, and perceptions in nonprofits and for-profits couldn’t be more different. Nonprofit leaders juggle some of the most complex challenges, balancing shifting funding mix, diverse stakeholders, and mission-driven mandates. If you can lead at a high level within a nonprofit, you can lead anywhere—because mission-driven leadership fosters resilience, engagement, and long-term success.